ISWG post – Freedom of Speech

Contrary to most of my blog posts, this one took 3 – 4 weeks to be finished. I even shared it in the local writer’s group and reedited it for several times. It got really good feedback and I hope you will enjoy it too.

This time I would like to share something which touched me deeply recently and made me think about the topic. It is about freedom of speech and having the courage to share one’s ideas freely.  Continue reading

Monthly keys for April – Viewpoints with roots erupting the old to the surface.



This month’s numbers talk even more about the importance to take care of your past left overs and finalise everything you can, so that you will create new soil for the new seeds to grow and blossom for you! In this process of facing the old I focus also a lot into a wounded area of our shadows – where our viewpoints may have grown roots and give also some ideas how to come out of it with most flexibility. Continue reading

A Journey of Involution – How limitations can be your ticket to your freedom – Interview with the musician and artist Sonny Davis


These interviews are meant to bring inspiration from ordinary people who live their life simply, but fully. My main message through these stories is – you do not need a million dollars to live your dream! All you need is to have a dream and simplify in order to redefine your life. Figure out how and what works for you. Let these stories from my amazing friends around the world inspire you and take your steps to live your dream!

If these stories inspire you, please share them on your FB timeline and personally with your friends. This is the way we can change the world – one story at the time!

This interview is about how:

‘We are all onions and our life is about peeling it – it is our choice if we do it ourselves or let other forces to do it.’

Story conducted and recorded by Crystal Ra Laksmi. Edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi and Sonny Davis.

All the pictures are from Sonny Davis’s private collection if not stated otherwise.


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Insecure Writers Post – Let your creativity penetrate you!

palmtreeblindersI am deep diving into my writing more. I have been preaching to people for more than 15 years – do what you love and the rest will follow. I only now realise that even though I have had exposure for my writing and journalist work both in magazines, newspapers, online as well in radio and TV, I still kind of do not believe it can become your number one triumph or give you all you have dreamt about.  Read my exploration about the topic today! Continue reading

Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body



The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.

9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!

In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading

Surfing through life and astrology waves – Interview with Katrin Haiba


Photo: Katrin Haiba

Interview with Katrin Haiba (NYC, Mexico, Estonia)

4th of February, La Cruz, Mexico

A story about surfing, sailing and Cosmic Wave Astrology.

Questions and stories recorded/written by Crystal Ra Laksmi.

Additional editing by Katrin Haiba.

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Reverse motivation magic


Villa Ananda, Mexico

I was thinking about the next topic I would like to share with the insecure writers and I think not giving up is something I have been inspired by all my life, especially by the reverse motivation. Call it a Scandinavian Viking mentality which is all goal oriented to get somewhere or the Estonian stubbornness, it has got me long way in my life, at least to the other side of the planet, living my dream one day at the time in west Mexico.

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Monthly keys – Grounding February through the male energies


As some of my big blog fans from Estonia gave feedback asking me to continue to produce my weekly keys, I am trying to find the golden middle path here and maybe post once a month some of my thoughts for the next month.

I base my stories mostly on the new time numeorology, as well some of my observations from my adventures. As I have got most feedback from the Estonians, I will translate the keys into English only when the time resources allow it. Continue reading

Tacking the blog – Interview with Michael Ditton – Dreams, Goals and Adventure


Private photo by M.Ditton

Welcome back to my blog. I will introduce you to my new blog set up as well to my very first interviewee, Michael Ditton – an author, self development coach, speaker, sailor, businessman and so much more who lives his dream. Continue reading

Joining the Insecure Writers group commitment

Here I am, doing my first blog post for the Insecure Writers group online. Read more about it here: 

crystalmermaidsmallwhiteAloha everyone and I am Crystal Ra Laksmi, originally from Estonia. I have lived most of my adult life abroad and right now living in Mexico and seems I am still looking where is my true home. I am getting to feel that it is not the place, it is in my heart wherever I am, when it makes my heart sing.  Continue reading

Weekly keys – 4. – 11. January – Roadmap to the Highway to Yourself in 2016

BB7palmsI promised to all of you my dear readers that this time I will talk about the new time numerology for this year, but the spirit is guiding me to write about another topic this time and follow up my promise next time.

This time I will talk about how one idea can reset and reorganise your life, give you your livelihood as well help you to live your dream. As it is the beginning of the year I would love to inspire everyone to make a little research what needs to be changed in your life and where one is headed in general to make it the best year ever! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 21 – 28th of December – Flashback to success keys from 2015

redgingerIt is the end of the year and it is a time to look back at the year. I will bring forth some of the qualities which were some huge game changers for me this year and brought me success. I will divide this blog post into two, so you have the follow up next week. Happy holidays everyone! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 14th till 21st of Dec – Liver detoxing in Mexico

vorkkiigedmayasolIn these times where we live we are surrounded by so many toxins and we inhale it from the air, we drink it with the water, we eat it with the food and we also absorb it even from our washing powder as well all the influences by media, negative people etc.

Spice it up with a little extra stress, not enough sleep, too much work, little exercise and bad food and our systems and bodies clog up. That is why it should be compulsory for people to do detoxing on a regular bases. That is one of the reasons I did a 6 days liver detox again and what I will share in this weeks blog with you. Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 7th till the 14th of December – Turning into a snowbird in Mexico

OlacruzstreetBack in Mexico, after 5.5 months away

It is amazing what the time and traveling to different countries can do. Certainly it can give us a new perspective into ourselves as well to the world.  Continue reading

Weekly keys – 23th – 30th of Nov Spicy inspiration shots from Turkey

wantrawomandanceThe women’s retreat in Estonia was a good preparation for this receiving energy which we could experience in Turkey. This time I will share my travel experiences with some tips and keys, what you could take home with you from it. Continue reading

Weekly keys 16th till 23rd of Nov – Changing the world with space holding kings

trollI have to first apologize in front of my English speaking followers for not even updating what was going on with my blog and why I had the break. There were many reasons for that. I also travelled to Turkey and took a break from blogging which I have not done for 2 years. But now I am back on track with my blogging.

Here I am. I am at Oslo airport and sitting in the restaurant and preparing for my next leap to the American continent. This time it will be totally different. I am leaping consciously and with my new targets. Bigger than ever before and we will see what happens.

Today’s blog will be dedicated to the women, as I will mention what happened during my Wantra woman course as well preparing my next sharing about my trip to Turkey and my new transit zone.

Everything moves so fast, that I feel I am running after my own train. Hopefully my next weeks will help to fix my debts in my to do list and balance and unite the energies and the speed. I have a whole week ahead of me in New York, one of my favourite cities in the world. Excitement is tickling between my bones… Continue reading

Weekly keys – 26th of Oct – 2nd of Nov – Golden middle path between happenstance and leading

1throwleavesThis week I will talk about how things happening by chance and how to lead, Tammsaare energies and stubborness of Estonians and how to prevent diseases and virus infections during the autumn season and how to improve your immune system. Continue reading